Matnon SL

Social Listening Platform with Sentiment Analysis

Everything you need to know about your target audience and your competitors.
Get Data from YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, News, and more

Campaign Tracking

Track your campaign’s performance to stay updated on goal attainment.

Competitor Reports

Stay ahead of the competition with our brand authority and value comparison feature


Easily access your brand’s entire social media archive with our tool.

Track your brand value

Unlock the value of your brand with our advanced brand value calculation feature

Find Influencers

Identify key influencers and filter them by sentiment with the influencer feature

Set Alarm Emails

Stay alert to abnormal shifts in sentiment with trend-based email notifications


Gain valuable insights into how your audience feels. Get updated in real time.

PDF Reports

Easily download professional PDF summary reports for presentations with our tool


Stay on top of industry trends and identify key entities with our entity trend reporting

Advanced Boolean Search

Efficiently filter relevant mentions with our advanced boolean search feature

On-premise installation

Securely analyze sensitive content with our on-premise installation option.

Easy Data Search

Easily search all mentions and sentiment reports with our user-friendly tool

Get data from YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, News, and more

Matnon’s revolutionary scraping technology is designed to fit the specific needs of your industry. Whether you need to track data from custom websites or social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and news – Matnon has got you covered. With our tool, you can stay ahead of the competition and make data-driven decisions for your brand.

Easy to understand, simple Sentiment Reports

Say goodbye to complicated and overwhelming reports. Matnon’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to understand your brand’s perception with just a glance. Our advanced filters help you effortlessly navigate through thousands of data points, allowing you to easily sort and analyze your data by days or weeks, keywords, and social media platforms. With easy-to-understand graphs, your data comes to life and you can easily make data-driven decisions for your brand

We summarize the big data for you

PDF exports of your sentiment reports

Keep an eye out on your competitors

Gain a competitive edge with Matnon’s comparison feature. Our analytics provide in-depth insights into your brand reputation and that of your competitors. Identify weaknesses and strengths to improve your strategy quickly and effectively.

Get daily reports and alarm emails to your email

Stay on top of your audience’s perception with Matnon’s daily sentiment summary reports. Get an overview of the total volume of analysis, sentiments, and platforms at a glance. Our tool also serves as a powerful crisis management tool, constantly monitoring data for sudden shifts in sentiment to help prevent potential damage to your brand’s reputation or products. Be alerted immediately in case of an issue.

Expert consultant reports created for you

On-premise sentiment analysis server solution